Rim Rock Elementary

Colorado Maps: Life Zones and More

Colorado Life Zones: Seasons, Plants, & Animals

Step 1: Choose One of the Life Zones or Choices Below

Life Zones Menu Bar

Colorado Maps: Life Zones and More

There are several maps below. In the first map, it shows the different life zones. The first map is a topographic map (a map that shows different elevations). Elevation is a major factor in determining the climate, plants, and animals of the life zones. The second map shows Colorado's major mountain ranges and rivers. The third map shows Colorado's major rivers, landforms, cities, and roads. Scroll down to see the maps below.

You may notice the life zone map does not have the semidesert shrublands on it. The semidesert shrublands are on the western and south central part of the state (on the map it shows grasslands and foothills). The lower parts of the "foothills" labeled on the map on the western and south central side of the state are also semidesert shrublands. The higher parts are the foothills woodlands and shrublands.

The maps were made by:


Colorado's Life Zones Map
Colorado's Elevation Lifezones
Colorado Ranges and Major Rivers
Colorado's Major Cities

Colorado Life Zones General Information Interactive Elevation & Life Zone Diagram Colorado Maps: Life Zones and More Semidesert Shrublands (West CO) Shortgrass Plains Life Zone (East CO) Foothills Woodlands & Shrublands Montane Forests Life Zone Subalpine Life Zone Alpine Life Zone Riparian Life Zones